Final Blog

What an awesome semester! I will always remember this class for all the awesome people in it as well as the exciting and educational projects we got to work on as a class. Coming into this class I was excited for the projects because personally, I need to be hands on and I realized that having so many projects with deadlines that are so close together can be difficult or stressful to manage at first but it is not impossible. Throughout this class, I also realized I am more capable as a filmmaker than I initially believed. This class has been a confidence booster, for sure. All I have to do is set my mind to it and be faithful to my deadlines. On the other hand, I also believe I maybe not as fond to group projects as I thought. It's not that it was anyone else who ruined it for me; I think I feel this way because I know I can be impatient at times. The biggest challenge for me during this course was trying to figure out group-scheduling times that worked for everyone. It seemed like most of my group meet-ups there was at least one person absent. Although it all turned out well in the end so I can't complain. The scheduling thing wasn’t really an issue anyways. For the installation, we used my house as "home-base" and that worked out very nicely. I really did enjoy the company of my classmates and I look forward to working on more projects with some of them in the future. This class has given me the opportunity to get to know more of my fellow film majors here at UNCW and friendship is ‘muy importante’. Also, shout-out to Shannon Silva for being a super rad professor.
